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Understanding the design we intend, and the desires that inspire.

Below are a few examples from past insight sessions.  I have shared some of the more general Insights in favor of my clients privacy.  All names have also been changed.  Please note: Each and every Insight session is tailored to the individual.  Specific words and phrases or distinctive arrangements are consistently part of the transmissions.  Furthermore, unique and personal inquiries are very welcome in any Insight session, despite their omission here. Enjoy!

Inquiry: What is next?  Who am I becoming?  Seeking supportive techniques.


Wherever you arrive, you will find yourself the traveler.  We mean to say, that without the intention to arrive, you will not experience a journey.  Envision the destination, allow your desire to design in detail... details that feel warm, details that make you smile, details that offer a childlike giddiness.  If you go shopping in the great store that is our universe, be sure to bring your credit card... because that card has no limit.  You don’t need to buy it all... you can just pick out the right outfit, or best paper to write on, but you must feel at least one of the sensations we mentioned, in order to charge the card.


The answer to “Who am I becoming” is so broad that we could barely write it in a lifetime.  But the surprise is, that this is the only question worth asking.  And the best part is, that YOU get to answer it in every moment, every breath, every thought!  You are becoming, you cannot not become.  The more appropriate question in the space you currently inhabit is... When will you become the woman that stops asking the question... Who am I becoming?  In that moment you will be.  In that moment you will see it reflected in everyone’s eyes, you will be the woman you are.


With Insight,


Inquiry: I desire mastery of balance… please offer Insight.


Without a doubt, you are an effective communicator.  You offer an array of approximation, always getting closer to accurate, but leaving room for further refinement.  Bravo... do not change.  


As per your search for balance, there is truth in the harnessing of your dreams.  When one enters the dream state, their mind fires in multiple directions, responding to the bodies emotional memory of the segment prior to sleep.  Your mind is seeking to balance the parts of you that are available.  It does so by marrying desire and impression, thus forming a union of thought and emotional energy that retrieves an experience or vision capable of influencing all parts of the self.  It is like watching a film without the audio, an act without intonation and a dance without time.


You are dancing without time.  You are dreaming with the whole self.  It is a beautiful dance, and a vivid dream, but the kaleidoscope is not complete.  The balance you seek and will attain is one that needs you to add, not let go.  We suggest you add acceptance.  By accepting your nature you will create parameters for your dancing and dreaming to respond to.  This physical reality is a blur without boundaries.  When you involve acceptance throughout your being, you attract attainable flow.


With Insight,


Inquiry: While seeking to leave an abusive job... What is my purpose?


Welcome to the place where all possibility correlates.  You have entered a phase of opportunity, not quite change, but opportunity in the choosing of who you are to be and the reflections that support that choice.  The reflections can be people or places... environments that you will find yourself in, but the real opportunity here is for you to put yourself on display.  What do we mean by putting yourself on display?  At this moment you are in a sort of flux.  There are decisions to be made and choices to recognize, but the Clara of yesterday would avoid the proverbial biting off more than one can chew, in favor of reliability.  Tomorrow is an opportunity to choose a louder outfit, a saltier attitude, and a broader smile.  This is not to say that you should put yourself in a compromising situation... far from it.  For the warmest and happiest experiences do not challenge with fear and anxiety; they challenge through love and contentment.  How happy can you be Clara; that is our challenge to you.  How big and expressive can you show yourself to be?  How bright can you glow?


Let us share a short story...


There was a young man who wandered most of his days.  He did not wander in search of anything particular, but found the act of searching to be the closest thing to freedom he had ever known.  This sense of freedom was full of endless possibility, and he found it intoxicating.  At any moment he could choose to be something anew.  This sensation filled his heart and he found a state of bliss in the ever present and exciting tomorrow.  Some would call this young man enlightened, others would say he has wasted his potential, but we would say that he simply hasn’t desired more.  Satisfaction is a powerful tool for creation, but also stagnancy.


The moral of the story is that satisfaction comes as its own reward and possibility is no substitute for desire.  That is to say, if you desire this job, then you will choose to stop searching and define your parameters for satisfaction.  

With Insight, 


Inquiry: When will the rejection and abandonment stop? - Father passed suddenly.


Now is the moment of focus, as NOW is the only moment we have.  Your Father rides his own horse and they have taken a detour together.  He was a man devoted to his daughter (you) in the best way he knew how: gentle love, careful listening, honest repose.  He was a man you could trust to hear your sorrows and share in your hopes, and now he lives elsewhere.  We wanted to say our condolences and offer our sympathy in a simple way.  That way is to acknowledge the truth of a father and daughter and their love.  We honor that love, and speak of it as a mountain climbed and a view cherished.


Rejection is a thing that has no boundary, no beginning and no end.  It is a thing developed through expectation and what we can see as “surprise.”  Surprise in the unexpected arrival of it or surprise in the deep wound it can cause.  Rejection is only an illusion of first having the thing denied us.  We aren’t in a position to be denied anything unless we hold too tightly to it.  To be clearer, if you drift away from the shore without a paddle, it will become very difficult to control your destination.  But if you acknowledge that we are all drifting in a current designed by our intention, then you will realize that your destination was never in doubt.  So don’t grasp at the dock, or try to use your hands as paddles, for you will only interrupt the natural flow of your life.  Instead, trust that all that is, every wave, every gust on your journey downstream is aligned with the path that you are designing.  Rejection or abandonment is the sign that this thing no longer serves you, and the path ahead has no room for them or the image that they project of you.  If you have an idea or an expression that holds true for you, by you, that you have designed... and if there is something or someone in your life that holds a different truth than your own, then you will find them drifting away.  Rejection and abandonment is another name for the surprise and withdrawal associated with them drifting away.  It is your job to see; that now there is a clearer view downstream and perhaps room for a fellow traveler.  It is all a dance of I am this and you are this, and now we are this.  If we are all designers and drifters on the river of life, then we are bound to to find ourselves in different waters.  To be clear: you have not been abandoned, and you have not been rejected... you have simply found a better current.  Rejection and abandonment are the circumstances that have been colored and labeled to reflect the other’s need for reason within the lives we live.  We tell you this not to force a new perspective, but to outline the truth behind the many lives we live.  The feeling of loss you feel, and have felt for these couple of years is not to be overlooked, but understood, so you might drift with purpose and not surrender to an idea of lacking.  We wish for you a different truth, one that uplifts and offers reconciliation.  You are a woman full of capacity and nothing so limited as unworthiness.


With Insight,


Inquiry: What is happening?  Why am I to be unmade so consistently?  What can I do to stop the parasitic behavior?  


Benjamin, There is little that will change unless you change the underlying premise to which you live with and through.  That premise currently states that you are not going to be successful and free unless you can achieve a state of enlightenment with pure thought.  True manifestation is most effective through a certain clear pattern, but it is also not necessary to live the life you wish.  BE. DO. HAVE.  Feel the way you want to feel.  Being clear is not different than being hungry or tired or inspired.  It is all the same kind of experience.  If you live with intention, you will live as intended.  There is no other way.  Feel what you wish to feel, be as you wish to be, and let the rest dance.


It is true that there are layers to existence beyond the immediate dimensional and physical reality.  You are more, much more... But there isn’t a single moment that isn’t your own.  Karma or planned experience or the processing of other lives in another is a thing... and one you have partaken deeply.  But it is not the definition of you, simply the influential environment you are in.  If enough, then say enough, be enough, do enough, have enough.  You change everything in an instant through choice and commitment to that choice.  Living is living.  The magic can be in every bite, each second, every breath.  Simple, Happy.  That’s it.  Simple Happy.  If you want to be clear, you will need a new premise; one that holds your heart in front of you: leading the way.  Your heart knows what you want, and how you want to feel.  Can you do it?  Can you design a premise that instead of working through, of finding free moments to focus, of looking to heal or fix, it aligns with your soul, which is already free and happy.  Can you design a premise that offers magic to breakfast and release from washing?  Can you design a premise that accepts your uniqueness and breaths into it, standing in it, shining through it, instead of diminishing your light so others can be comfortable?


Benjamin, the premise that you seek, that you must inherit is that in each moment you are ok, and in that simple awareness is the clean and prepared canvas for you to draw and explore.  And everything you create is ok.  No you don’t need to get help, you just need to allow yourself to be ok.  Say it: “I am ok.”,  “I am satisfied.”,  “I am content.”,  “I am happy.”  If not, then paint something else, declare something new, be the change.  You know the phrase, “Be the change you seek.”  It is truth of the self, not just the environment.  Be Benjamin.  Be your SELF, and be ok... be happy.  


With Insight,


Inquiry: How do I feel worthy?  How do I feel good enough?


Worthy is not a question, worthy is a doubt.  It has no place in the woman you are becoming.  The woman of worth is a woman of love.  We do not mean that you are not loving if you don’t feel worthy… we mean that to feel worthy is to feel love.  So, start with love…love of family, love of cookies, love of sunsets and coyotes.  This is the way to self-love, the way to self-esteem, the way to constant smiles and glowing eyes.  Worth is subjective like beauty is subjective.  Only you determine its characteristics, only you control its qualities.  Beyond these determinations, exists a place in yourself that doesn’t even ask the question (Am I worthy?, Is it beautiful?).  It is a place so devoid of doubt and guilt, that worth is a forgone conclusion.  It lives in your mind, but is accessed through your heart.  So we say… hold love in your heart, and the mind will reciprocate.  


With Insight,


Inquiry: How can I repair / trust my intuition?


Intuition is the process by which we translate the emotional vibrations emanating from our heart/soul/spirit/higher self.  It is a filter programmed through the experiences and perspectives we hold.  No, you are not broken, and no, your intuition isn’t beyond repair.  It is a matter of reflection.  Reflection of your desires and reflection of your fears.  We look to our intuition to help us overcome difficult circumstances.  These difficult circumstances often demand our attention and we can’t help but respond with fear or shock or hope or joy.  Big happenings lead to big emotional responses.  So where does that leave intuition?  The clear impulse of your heart can easily be muddied by that powerful combination of emotional responses... twisting your truth and confusing your mind.  You intuit a shadow, but see an eclipse.  


The truth is that you do not often need your intuition to make supportive choices.  In fact, we would suggest not involving your intuition in circumstances that push you off balance.  Intuition is most useful in a state of balance, so we say... focus on balance and your intuition will respond in kind.  If you seek a certain outcome, then choose that outcome everyday and in every moment you can... choose it with a smile, choose it with happy satisfaction.  What’s more, is if you can do this with each part of your life, balance will be your intuition.  


With Insight,


Inquiry: It feels out of my control....  How do I find peace with so much uncertainty?


Uncertainty is a hallmark of devastation, but not the way you might think.  Uncertainty in your circumstance, relates the destruction of a former life.  You have broken apart all previous expectations, severed them at the seam, and now you are a true artist: assembling the debris into something beautiful.  Artists well understand the uncertainty at any moment of their creation.... but they persist.  Like an artist you have control of yourself, the medium, and the outcome.  But great artists let the work collaborate, and know that a masterpiece is beyond immediate comprehension.  A masterpiece shows more than its creator can fathom.  


The uncertainty in your life is masking the certainty of your life.  You are certain to grow, certain to move, certain to love, and certain to commune.  


We see clearly, that your atomic transition is coming at a unique time in your life.  It seems like everything is coinciding, that all circumstances are happening at once... but that is not the truth.  All of these events started long ago and with varying frequency or pace.  It is like sitting in the stands at a horse race.  You are stationary and they are moving, each at their own pace.  In a long race, some horses will be lapped, and at unique moments all horses will again be racing at the part of the track in front of you.  You are witnessing the moment of convergence.  Like an eclipse, it is only an eclipse from one vantage.  We suggest you look from a different angle, perhaps the past or the future will do.  


You have done what you can do... if you wish to do more, then be certain.


With Insight,


InquirySpiritual refinement vs devotional labor / pure will... What is the right path?


What joy this is to offer insight.  You are one and we are many, but together lets us find clarity.  Your path has been volatile... not so much on the outside, but we see the constant shifting of perspective and their alternate influences on desire.  Your question is only part of the idea you are working with.  Naturally, that is effective for the format Timothy is using today, but we will do our best to elaborate.  


You are advancing into a realm with immense possibility, with immense variation, with absolute awareness as a course.  This path is well defined by the question... will or release?  But we would add another... divine intervention.  What do we mean by this turn of phrase?  We wish to illustrate your capacity to balance the self with the higher being.  The higher being (higher self) is attracted to release, for it is its natural constitution, and the physical self desires action, movement, expression through labor.  How then do we best format the union?  The ideal combination is a story of give and take... offering and receiving.  Nowhere is the history of man has there been only one party.  The truth is a dichotomy of sorts.  Desire and devotion, truth and happiness, forgiveness and breath, honesty and spirit.  As you can see in these examples: they pair well, but are not the same.  They offer variation, and design experience in detail.  Without a pairing, there is only black and white.... the spectrum comes from union.  So we say, do not separate... blend and blend again in each moment.  Your will is the hammer, devotion the nail.  Swing the hammer with surrender and allow the nail to penetrate and construct.


With Insight,



Inquiry: What of my purpose?


You want to know your purpose, but you already know that that isn’t the right question.  What you want to know is the direction of your purpose, and how to get there.  To get there you must relinquish control, for if you keep both hands on the steering wheel you will always end up where you planned.  The funny thing about vehicles is that they already know where to go, it is our hubris that we know better than the thing which knows its purpose (ie: to transport).  Trust is the word you are looking for.  Trust in your ability to choose, trust in the opportunities that present themselves, and trust in that you will get to where you want to be.  Purpose is trust personified in action.  Trust is the thing that turns all red lights to green.  It is the release that allows momentum.  If you trust in your heart, satisfaction is merely stage 1 of expansion.  If this is the “job” you want, be sure to care about it, so it can become matter.  If you are uncertain, then decide on what certainty you can, for it will assist in the parameters that will bring you satisfaction.  You are well on your way to living with purpose, not simply the impression of it.  Thank you


With Insight, 


Inquiry: How do I fine tune my creation and build momentum, while not being derailed by disappointment?


You seek momentum on a highway of light, but you must be aware that your speed is already significant.  You mentioned obstacles or roadblocks, but we only see indicators of reflection, pearls of opportunity to know your path.  Momentum is the way we describe consistent movement in a directed fashion.  That is not the only kind of momentum available to you.  We wish to introduce the idea that one can achieve great speed, yet stand in place.  One can admire insane growth all around them, yet take a single step to move beyond all known achievement.  We want you to relax in your heart as you are so capable of doing, and know that there is a pace that will better suit your manifestations.  This pace is one that involves only the things that you deem worthy of a smile.  If you smile, you are in a state of true bliss, true alignment, true pace.  Think of the things that trip you up, and then imagine the variant that brings the smile (literally).  This process of inquiry is similar to a process of traditional therapy, but in YOUR hands.  It is a far greater force of self-healing, a force for the continuous magnification of your hearts radiance.



Insight: Please elaborate on how to use the inner smile.


The smile is recognition of your design equaling the motivation you have for a true experience of self-love through devoted divination.  The smile tells us that this is the experience we desire, much like the pain receptor is a call to investigate our body.  So let us imagine there is a thought or energy or happening that you find incongruous.  Breath, follow the incongruous sensation back to the source that caused this discomfort.  Ex: A disagreement with someone close to you...  Breath and follow the river back to the instance of shock, pain.  For you it will illuminate as fuzzy or an unfocused image.  Do not bring it to focus!  Allow it to fizzle out completely, and replace it with the thing that makes you smile.  Follow the river back to where you stand, breath, and project that smile out into the world with active satisfaction.  This is the way to divine a physical experience that matters.  Lead with acceptance and transform your vantage from below to on high.


With Insight,



Inquiry: Why is it that when I am around people, I forget my values and needs?


We have found the nature of human to be the nature of conforming to one’s expectations, not in a vacuum, but in concert with all other humans.  It is a dance, never has it not been a dance... but here and now you choose the step, the beat, and personal energy output.  The partner is irrelevant, because again, the whole human race is dancing.  It is a collective movement captivating each participant in a manner conducive to the story they inhabit.  It isn’t always easy to see the dance for what it is, absolute motion, but if you look beyond the noise; you will find it invigorating to be a participant without compare.  


Now let us look at your rhythm and the manner in which you vibrate among other dancers.  Your rhythm is unique, but it is just another dance emerging from the stage at center right.  Beyond this movement is your ability to control how others respond to your movements, not how they interpret them.  You step right and lean left, they can either mimic or attempt to respond through their inner motion.  When you find yourself dancing with others, you are too kind and always/often mimic.  If you lead, you will receive the accommodation that has alluded you thus far.  If you lead, your heart will expand to accept that another’s dance with vigor can be just a voice seeking to find its tone.  When you know your values, and live your values, it is enough to just be those values.  You do not need to share them, compromise them, or even pause them.  They are your values, and no one else’s.  We suggest that you find the place that allows for a solo dance of duration to reaffirm your anchor and then re-enter the global expressive montage that is our lives.  For how things have been, is not a true indicator for how you will live now.


With Insight,


Inquiry: What can I know that can help me feel more secure in the choice of leaving this relationship?


Security is the illusion of hope blanketing your truth.  You don’t need security to make a decision, but you do need perspective.  The easiest decisions, choices we make are the ones that are defined by powerful disrupters.  That is because we are pushed to our limits, forced into acknowledging that we are done with what was.  The most difficult decision/choices we make are the ones where we lead ourselves out of the sinking ship, before it goes beneath the waves.  So to know that you are saving yourself from days in the ocean, treading water without food, and avoiding sharks, can be quite the incentive.  But if you are seeking a vision of what might be on the horizon: we can tell you that there is a sense of self derived from the whole knowledge that you are the prize you seek.  You are the gift, you are the complete and happy being that awaits the “abandon ship” choice.  For you are not abandoning your last hope, but going to the harbor to get a sturdier vessel.  


With Insight, 


Inquiry: I am looking for the next direction, inspiration, and/or supportive clue...


What you are seeking is a directive, a declarative statement with purpose and the sensation of departure.  We can offer you this... Remember that you are the pilot and the plane lifts off when you have a flight plan.  Think of this evening as the example.  You joined this insight session with a clear excitement for the nourishment you have been seeking.  This session was the answer to a longing you have felt for many months.  The longing was palpable, but it was not the inspiration you now seek.  It was the knowing heart putting its toe in the water to test the temperature of your path.  The inspiration you seek, the supportive task, the directive that declares is emotion you inhabit.  The rest is just the details, the active correspondence experienced as reward and opportunity.  The emotional quality you inhabit, and the emotive force that defines is the declarative direction that you seek.  


But we know that you are wanting something concrete, physical, descriptive to inspire your next chapter, so we offer this vision.  You are sitting in a beach chair, the sun is very warm, almost too hot and you look down to the reading material in your hands.  The sun is so bright that you struggle to read the words... You say to yourself, “What was I reading again?”  In that moment you decide to get out of the sun, for the environment is not supporting the task and feeling you had undertook it for.  You went to the beach to relax and release, but the source was too strong, blinding even.  Put yourself in the environment where source can support your intentions.  Go to the place that charges your battery with the right frequency.  Sit on the surface that offers comfort and support.  Talk to the people that make it easy.  If you do this, you won’t wonder what the story in front of you is trying to say, because it will be easy to read.


With Insight,


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