Loving is the easiest way...
“I am, and I will be what I will be, nothing less, and always more than I was.”
Following on the heels of part one and intoning the aspects that leave you feeling connected, we wish to pursue another variant on the idea presented: Collaborating with Your Self. This variant involves the capacity to feel love, specifically self-love. When you hold a base emotion in love, all other desire and the designs that arise from them are refined. They are refined through the release of pretense and unwarranted concern. It is another frequency altogether, a companion without fear. To love is to release the fear and doubt that penetrates so much of our experience. To love is to envelope in clean expectations of nurturing progress. If you can begin in love or through the love of something or someone, you will find an effortless journey full of open doors.
Love is the most encompassing emotion. It has an unlimited reach and always serves to unite. Love is the glue that binds, that holds all together. It is like singing of the extraordinary nature of our existence in one breath and exhaling exquisite poetry depicting our first memory of the sweetness of fruit. It is like a smile wrapped in a hug. Love is the emotion that builds. Feel love and you will feel release, for love will never restrain. It can only expand. (From Ordinary Divinity)
The memory of love is a simple one, and endlessly variable.
Self love is the acceptance of all that you are, while acknowledging all that you will grow to be. It is the yin and the yang as harmony, as the individual you. Once you can accept the idea of self acceptance, you will be one step from self-loving and self-being. It is less daunting than it might seem, for it is the beginning place and the ending place. It is the most natural place for you to be. You say, “I am, and I will be what I will be, nothing less, and always more than I was.” It is like wading in a calm river with nothing but warm sunshine and gentle breezes. You can go there through memory or trust, but you mustn’t try. The memory of love is a simple one, and endlessly variable. It can be and often is part of every memory you have, for every breath requires the love of life. Even hate is wound in love, a love of destruction. But self-love requires a firm belief in the self as loved and loving. You can’t love your self if you believe otherwise.
Love is an emotion synonymous with joy, but it speaks of the base rhythms under our feet and the breath on our lips. Self-love harnesses this personal rhythm and speaks solidly of the inhale through the exhale. We use our lips and the by-product of the breath to exhale words of love... words of wisdom. These words of wisdom are simply the story of our now. Breath and love and speak of the many kinds of self-love that you are partaking. Feel the memory and trust in the self to love and thus release the non-sustaining components. Love is like the river winding through the heart of an ecosystem, flowing with sustenance. It is the river as backbone featuring the story of birth and death, and everything in between.
Love is the easiest way to collaborate with your self. We see it when others help a friend, we know it when a mother kisses her child, and we accept it when a lover holds our hand. But can you be that for yourself? Can you love your self? Can you acknowledge, that by being, you are loving? Can you forecast the flow of purposeful words from your lips; words that tell of the self as loved and the love as a river winding through your heart nurturing all that you feel? Finally, can you hold your heart beat in rhythm with the story of tomorrow: a rhythm of joyful acceptance of the self as collaborator and loving partner?
Hint: Yes, you can.