How do we accurately perceive our lives as a whole?
Time is the illusion...
Time is the avenue most misunderstood within the general populace. We live our lives as humans on a moment-to-moment basis. How then do we accurately perceive our lives as a whole? How can we understand the larger installments that affect the simple perceptions that drive our decisions? Answer: We can’t, and that is the issue with Time. Time is the illusion of space between things and the space between things is only “real” if you focus in close proximity. You can’t see the space between trees if you are looking down from an airplane… you only see the forest. And while such an expansive view is helpful with enhancing perspective, it isn’t the way we perceive the details of our lives. You must zoom in and focus to see the space between things… to feel time. So here is the dichotomy that persists: Time is the only way we can perceive separation or duration. But, if we don’t focus with intent, we are left without detail or duration… only an overarching perspective: one good for general understanding, but not well suited to living in the moment. Where then is the balance of time? It is in the expansion of ourselves that time becomes more than simple focus and awareness of the space between things; for in the expansion of ourselves we will touch on all possible vantage points, all possible perspectives. To expand is to touch a broad spectrum or range of experience and knowledge... like standing in the forest and flying above it at once.
More time is a product of taking a larger view, while simultaneously focusing on the purpose of being.
You can conquer the limitations of time by answering a simple question… Am I the beetle or the ant? The beetle is a loner foraging and exploring continuously throughout its life, never stopping to judge the circumstances that surround its choices to be in any specific local. The ant is a community based creature, with a purpose defined for it and an excellent awareness of its expeditions at any given moment. Are you the beetle or the ant? If you are the beetle, you are ignorant of the path behind you, but also free of the pressures associated with a past. If you are the ant, you are trapped in an organization and awareness unrelenting in its purpose: freedom is a foreign idea. Well, what do you think?
Why can’t you be like both of them?… Free and meandering and ignorant of past injury like the beetle and part of a community with order and purpose like the ant. To marry the two is to acknowledge the dichotomy that exists in every facet of being… One plus one only equals two if you have two ones to add together. Perspective breeds perspective, and time is the great revealer of fruitful experience. For the bigger the space between things (duration), the more room there is for expansion. The more expansion, the larger the perspective. The larger the perspective, the less you have need of time.
Simply put: Never bother to think you are without time... if so, you simply haven’t bothered to expand beyond the trees in the forest. More time is a product of taking a larger view, while simultaneously focusing on the purpose of being. Live with purpose and time is irrelevant.