Why do we wonder?

Wonder is how we perceive our lives, how we make sense of living.
There is a moment in each of our days, sometimes several, that we find ourselves in wonder: wonder of where we are, wonder of what is next, and wonder of where we have been. It is not uncommon for there to be an emotion tied to this wonder; based in our feelings of the circumstances surrounding the given wonderment. This wonder is the result of our innate knowing focused through the limited view we have as physical beings. This wonder is how we perceive our lives, how we make sense of living. There isn’t a wrong way to feel about the past, present, or future… but our corresponding emotions are often penetrating in their power. We wonder if we will be better than we are today. We wonder if the pain of yesterday will ever go away. We wonder if tomorrow will be as bright as we hope it is. We wonder if our wants will be realized soon. We wonder if hope right now will still find us hopeful a month from now. Why then, do we wonder? We wonder because we do not know. We do not know because we have not chosen. And, we have not chosen because we did not think it was necessary. We did not think it was necessary because we were not taught. And, we were not taught because our parents were not aware. Therefore, we wonder because we are not aware. Awareness lacks wonder and wonder lacks awareness. To be aware is to choose without hope: to be aware is to choose in knowing. Wonder is without knowing, but knowing can be inspired by wonder. What then can we take from a state of wonder? You can take solace in knowing that you are human, and awareness is the gift, inspired by wonder.
"Wonderment is a state wholly designed for imagineers..."
Wonder is an extraordinary attribute of human existence… an ability to define your immediate circumstance through the free and vivid truth that might be. Wonderment is a state wholly designed for imagineers; dreamers full of infinity and fascination. But wonder is only a transition, an inspiration to know. It tells us of our lack to inspire awareness as the default state. Wonder is a wish, but could be a doorway to being. So reach out in wonder, and walk through the doorway of fascination to an alternate place where you can become wonderfully informed... wonderfully fulfilled.
